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Mital Thanki Winner of Outstanding Woman in Education 2022 Award

I was very honoured recently to receive the Outstanding Woman in Education award at The Women’s Awards gala dinner and ceremony in Nottingham. For everybody there, it was a fantastic evening because we were able to celebrate the achievements of women across so many areas of business and society. Progress has been made in reducing the gender inequality gap, and both women and men have had a part to play in this.

There is, however, much more to be done, and initiatives such as The Women’s Awards are not only an opportunity to celebrate achievements – but they are also a chance to inspire other women and girls too.

Winning the award means a lot to me because it represents breaking through all the glass ceilings and overcoming cultural norms and stereotypes (being asked if Spark Academy was my husband’s or dad’s business was a common thing-believe it or not! I don’t even have a husband!).

It represents women supporting each other and also men who champion women. I wanted to personally thank Rajesh ModhaHitz Rao and Pete Frost, who I know are passionate about equality, diversity and inclusion and supported me on the night.

I was particularly pleased though to share the award with our female students at Spark Academy, so that it could inspire them to continue to break down boundaries and push themselves to new levels and heights.

My message to you, girls, is this:

“Keep on going with what you believe in. Do this unapologetically. Have that steadfast faith and patience. Love yourself in the process. Then seize the day when you do not have to justify your place in this world and what makes you unique. You will be able to realise your limitless potential.”

Having a supportive network makes a difference:

Thank you to Sandra Pollock Obe for creating such an amazing space for people championing one another. You are a real inspiration! Thank you for creating a beautiful platform for equality, diversity and inclusion.

Raj Modha from Tilton Conway Financial Planning and Mital celebrating the win!

A big thank you Rajesh Modha from Tilton Conway Financial Planning for nominating me. Raj is a true example of a man who supports and champions women. I will always be grateful.

Peter Ellse DL MBA presenting the award to Mital

Thank you to Peter Ellse DL MBA Cosy Foundation for presenting and judging this award category. I learned so much from sitting next to you on our table. Your successes and what you have achieved within education is phenomenal – and you kept it super quiet that you judged the category!

A big congratulations to all the outstanding women that were there on the night. All nominees, finalists and winners were inspirational and awe-inspiring. And finally, thank you to my wonderful team at Spark Academy for your support – I simply cannot do what I do without you.

The Spark Academy team celebrating after the win!

Final thoughts:

To end, I will leave you with my final thoughts on the role of females within organizations:

“I don’t believe women need to be like men or be better than men. A woman’s unique physiological and energetical makeup synergizes with the unique physiological and energetical makeup of a man. One is not stronger than another, one is not weaker than another. There is nothing to prove.”

We must understand this collectively harmonious and unique energy force. We must recognize the true power it holds. We must learn to work in perfect synchronicity to super charge its limitless potential.

Like the philosophies behind Ying and Yang and Shiva and Shakti, if we manage to attain an equal balance of these energies within our organisations (inclusive of all genders), we will unlock unimaginable possibilities with the most powerful outcomes.”

Did you know?

We actively improve our students confidence and can-do attitude through our 12-month tuition programme? Here, we will coach your child to empower themselves and develop a high level of self-belief. Find out more about our programme by booking a discovery call today.