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How to Do Revision for Maths

Are you feeling overwhelmed with the thought of revising for maths exams? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! As a former exam fearing student myself, I’ve gathered some effective and practical tips to help you ace your maths revision. So, let’s dive in and discover how to make the most out of your study sessions.

First and foremost, it’s essential to plan ahead and schedule your revision sessions. This will ensure that you allocate enough time to cover all the necessary topics. Additionally, using effective scientific study methods like active recall and spaced repetition can significantly enhance your learning and retention. Don’t forget to practice with past year papers to test your knowledge and familiarize yourself with the exam format.

It’s crucial to identify your weaker areas and focus on them. By reviewing past papers by chapter, you can pinpoint the topics that require more attention. Furthermore, make sure to familiarise yourself with the formula sheet and understand the derivation of certain formulas. Building a strong foundation in maths and aiming for mastery will set you up for success.

Remember, it’s okay to seek help when needed. Whether it’s reaching out to your teachers, discussing questions with friends, or utilising online forums, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance. And don’t forget to take breaks, get ample rest, and manage your time effectively during the exam.

By following these tips and strategies, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle your math revision and excel in your exams. So, let’s embark on this journey together and unlock your full potential in mathematics!

  • Plan ahead and schedule your revision sessions.
  • Use effective study methods like active recall and spaced repetition.
  • Practice with past year papers to test your knowledge and understand the exam format.
  • Review past papers under timed conditions to familiarize yourself with exam settings.
  • Focus on weaker topics and practice them more often.

Plan and Schedule Your Revision Sessions

Preparing for a maths exam can be overwhelming, but with proper planning and scheduling, you can tackle it with confidence. In this section, we will explore effective study methods and the importance of planning ahead and scheduling your revision sessions.

Effective Study Methods

To make the most out of your revision sessions, it’s essential to use effective study methods that enhance your understanding and retention of maths concepts. Two scientifically proven techniques are active recall and spaced repetition.

What is Active Recall?

Active recall involves actively retrieving information from your memory rather than passively reviewing it. This can be done by practicing with past year papers, solving math problems, and explaining concepts to yourself or others. By actively engaging with the material, you reinforce your understanding and improve your ability to recall information during exams.

What is Spaced Repetition?

Spaced repetition, on the other hand, involves reviewing information at increasing intervals over time. Instead of cramming all your revision into one session, space it out over several days or weeks. This technique helps prevent forgetting and allows for better long-term retention of maths concepts.

Planning Ahead and Scheduling

One of the keys to successful revision is planning ahead and creating a schedule that works for you. Here are some tips to help you plan and schedule your revision sessions effectively:

  1. Organise Your Notes and Make a List of Topics: Before starting your revision, take the time to organize your notes and create a list of topics you need to cover. This will give you a clear roadmap of what needs to be done.
  2. Set Specific Times for Revision: Allocate specific times in your schedule dedicated solely to revision. Treat these time slots as important appointments and stick to them as much as possible.
  3. Take Breaks: While it’s important to dedicate time to revision, it’s equally important to take regular breaks. Breaks allow your brain to rest and process the information you’ve learned. Incorporate short breaks between study sessions to recharge your mind.
  4. Reward Yourself: After a productive day of revision, don’t forget to reward yourself. Treat yourself to something you enjoy, whether it’s a favorite snack, a short break to watch an episode of your favorite show, or any other form of relaxation. Rewards can motivate you to stay focused and make revision sessions more enjoyable.
  5. Utilise Online Resources: The internet is a vast source of information and practice materials. Take advantage of online resources such as video tutorials, practice questions, and interactive math websites to supplement your revision.
  6. Identify Weak Areas and Practice Them: As you review past papers or work through math problems, pay attention to the topics or concepts that you find challenging. Focus on these weaker areas and practice them more frequently to strengthen your understanding and improve your performance.
  7. Seek Help When Needed: Don’t hesitate to reach out for help when you encounter difficulties. Whether it’s asking your teacher for clarification, discussing concepts with classmates, or seeking assistance from online forums, getting support can enhance your learning experience.

By implementing these planning and scheduling strategies, you can optimize your revision sessions and approach your math exam with confidence. Remember, consistency is key, so make a commitment to stick to your schedule and stay motivated throughout the revision process.


Practice with Past Year Papers

When it comes to revising for a maths exam, one of the most effective methods is to practice with past year papers. This allows you to test your knowledge and understand the exam format, giving you a better chance of success. In this section, we will explore two important aspects of practicing with past year papers: testing knowledge and understanding the exam format.

Testing knowledge

Practicing with past year papers is an excellent way to assess your understanding of the subject matter. By attempting the questions from previous exams, you can identify any gaps in your knowledge and areas where you need to improve. It’s important to review past papers under timed conditions to simulate the pressure of an actual exam and familiarize yourself with the exam settings. This will help you to manage your time effectively and develop strategies for tackling different types of questions.

Understanding exam format

Another benefit of practicing with past year papers is that it helps you become familiar with the exam format. By reviewing past papers by chapter, you can identify weaker areas and focus on them during your revision. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the formula sheet and make notes on it. Understanding the derivation of certain formulas can also enhance your understanding of the subject and enable you to apply them more effectively in different scenarios.

To make the most of your practice with past year papers, it’s important to review your mistakes, understand them, and correct them. Aim for mastery and build a strong foundation in math by focusing on weaker topics and practicing them more often. Don’t be afraid to seek help from teachers or friends if you’re struggling with certain concepts. Working through questions with others can enhance your learning and provide different perspectives.

Before starting your revision with past year papers, take the time to organize your notes and make a list of topics to cover. Plan specific times for revision and remember to take breaks in between to avoid burnout. Reward yourself with treats after a productive day of revision to stay motivated. Instead of just reading the textbook, actively engage with the material by doing math problems. Utilize the internet for additional resources and practice, especially for topics that you struggle with.

In conclusion, practicing with past year papers is an essential part of effective math revision. It allows you to test your knowledge, understand the exam format, and identify areas for improvement. By following the tips mentioned in this section, you can make the most of your practice and increase your chances of success in your math exams.

To learn more about effective math revision techniques, check out this source.

Review Past Papers to Identify Weak Areas

When it comes to revising for math exams, one effective strategy is to review past papers. By analysing and practicing with previous year’s exam papers, you can test your knowledge, understand the exam format, and identify your weaker areas. In this section, we will explore two important techniques for utilizing past papers in your revision process: analysing weaker chapters and practicing under timed conditions.

Analysing Weaker Chapters

One of the first steps in reviewing past papers is to identify the chapters or topics in math that you struggle with the most. This could be anything from algebraic equations to trigonometry or calculus. By carefully reviewing your past papers, you can pinpoint the specific areas where you consistently make mistakes or struggle to understand the concepts.

Once you have identified these weaker chapters, it’s crucial to focus your revision efforts on them. Allocate more time to studying and practicing these topics, using various resources such as textbooks, online tutorials, or working with a tutor. By dedicating extra attention to your weaker areas, you can build a stronger foundation and improve your overall understanding of math.

Timed Conditions Practice

In addition to analysing weaker chapters, it is equally important to practice solving past papers under timed conditions. This simulates the pressure and time constraints you will face during the actual exam. By familiarizing yourself with the exam settings and practicing under time pressure, you can improve your speed, accuracy, and confidence.

When practicing under timed conditions, set a realistic time limit for each section or paper based on the actual exam duration. Challenge yourself to complete the paper within the allotted time, and avoid spending too much time on individual questions. If you get stuck on a particular question, make a note to come back to it later and move on to the next one. This helps you manage your time effectively and ensures that you have the opportunity to attempt all the questions.

By regularly practicing under timed conditions, you can develop a better understanding of the pacing required for each question and section. This will help you avoid rushing through the exam or running out of time before completing all the questions.


Reviewing past papers is an essential part of your math revision process. By analysing weaker chapters and practicing under timed conditions, you can identify your areas of improvement, build a strong foundation in math, and boost your confidence for the exam. Remember to allocate sufficient time for reviewing past papers and make use of available resources such as textbooks, online tutorials, and study groups to enhance your understanding. Happy revising!


Familiarise Yourself with Formula Sheet and Calculator

Mathematics can sometimes be a challenging subject to revise for, but with the right strategies and tools, you can make the process smoother and more effective. Two key resources that you should familiarize yourself with are the formula sheet and your calculator. In this section, we will explore some tips on how to make the most of these resources during your revision.

Notes on Formula Sheet

The formula sheet is a valuable resource that provides you with a compilation of key mathematical formulas and equations. It serves as a handy reference during exams and can help you solve problems more efficiently. To make the most of your formula sheet, consider the following tips:

  • Take the time to familiarize yourself with the layout and organization of the formula sheet. This will help you quickly locate the formulas you need during the exam.
  • Make notes on the formula sheet to highlight important points or reminders. This can include explanations of certain formulas or tips on when to use them.
  • Understand the derivation of certain formulas. This will not only deepen your understanding of the concepts but also help you remember them better.
  • Use the formula sheet as a guide during your practice sessions. By referring to it regularly, you can reinforce your understanding of the formulas and become more confident in applying them.

Remember, the formula sheet is a tool to support your mathematical problem-solving skills. While it provides you with important formulas, it is equally important to understand the underlying concepts and principles behind them.

Using Calculator’s Advanced Features

Your calculator can also be a powerful tool during your math revision. While basic arithmetic functions are essential, many calculators offer advanced features that can assist you in solving more complex problems. Here are some tips on how to utilize your calculator’s advanced features effectively:

  • Familiarize yourself with the functions and capabilities of your calculator. Read the user manual or explore online resources to understand how to access and use these features.
  • Practice using your calculator for different types of questions. This will help you become more efficient in performing calculations and reduce the chances of making errors.
  • Make use of functions such as logarithms, trigonometric functions, and statistical calculations, depending on the topics you are studying. These features can simplify calculations and save you time.
  • Be cautious when using the calculator for problem-solving. While it can provide you with numerical solutions, it is essential to understand the steps and concepts involved in reaching those solutions.

By becoming familiar with your calculator’s advanced features and practicing their application, you can enhance your problem-solving abilities and streamline your revision process.

In conclusion, familiarizing yourself with the formula sheet and your calculator can significantly aid your math revision. Take the time to understand the layout and organization of the formula sheet, make notes on it, and practice using your calculator’s advanced features. These tools will not only support your problem-solving skills but also boost your confidence during exams. So, make sure to utilize them effectively as you prepare for your math assessments.

For more information on effective math revision techniques, you can refer to this helpful resource.

Learn from Mistakes and Aim for Mastery

Understanding mistakes

When it comes to studying math, making mistakes is inevitable. However, these mistakes shouldn’t discourage you; instead, they should be seen as valuable learning opportunities. By understanding your mistakes, you can identify your weaknesses and work on improving them.

One effective way to review your mistakes is by carefully analysing them after completing practice questions or exams. Take the time to go through each incorrect answer and understand where you went wrong. Did you misinterpret the question? Did you make a calculation error? By pinpointing the specific areas where you made mistakes, you can focus your revision efforts on those topics.

Building a strong foundation

To excel in maths, it’s crucial to build a strong foundation. This means not only understanding the concepts and formulas but also being able to apply them confidently.

One approach to building a strong foundation is to focus on weaker topics. Identify the areas in math that you find challenging and make them a priority in your revision. Practice these topics more often, seek help from teachers or friends, and utilize online resources and forums for additional support.

Another helpful strategy is to group past paper or textbook questions by topic and practice them in blocks. By doing this, you can reinforce your understanding of specific concepts and improve your problem-solving skills.

Additionally, consider explaining concepts to others and working through questions with friends. This collaborative approach allows you to gain different perspectives and enhance your understanding of math.

Remember, mastering math is a journey, and it requires consistent effort and practice. By learning from your mistakes and building a strong foundation, you can increase your confidence and proficiency in this subject.

To learn more about effective maths revision techniques, check out this source.

Focus on Weaker Topics and Seek Help

When it comes to revising for math, it’s important to focus on your weaker topics and seek help when needed. By targeting the areas where you struggle the most, you can improve your understanding and confidence in those specific topics. In this section, we will explore two key strategies for effective math revision: practicing weaker areas and seeking assistance.

Practicing Weaker Areas

One of the first steps in revising math is to identify your weaker areas and prioritize them in your study plan. This can be done by reviewing past papers by chapter or topic to pinpoint the concepts that you find most challenging. By focusing on these areas, you can allocate more time and effort to practicing and mastering them.

To practice weaker topics effectively, it’s recommended to work through a variety of math problems and questions related to those specific areas. This active engagement with the material will help reinforce your understanding and improve your problem-solving skills. Don’t shy away from challenging questions—embrace them as opportunities to grow and learn.

It’s also beneficial to group past paper or textbook questions by topic and practice them in blocks. This targeted approach allows you to build familiarity and confidence in each specific area, ensuring that you are well-prepared for any questions that may come up in the exam.

Seeking Assistance

While independent study is valuable, there may be times when you encounter difficulties that require external support. Don’t hesitate to seek assistance from your teachers, classmates, or online forums when you need clarification or guidance. Sometimes, a different perspective or explanation can make all the difference in understanding a complex concept.

Working through questions with friends or study groups can also be a helpful way to learn from each other and reinforce your understanding. By explaining concepts to others and discussing different problem-solving approaches, you can gain new insights and deepen your understanding of the subject matter.

When seeking assistance, it’s important to be proactive and ask specific questions. This helps ensure that you receive the targeted help you need and enables others to provide you with more effective guidance. Remember, seeking help is not a sign of weakness, but rather a proactive step towards improving your understanding and performance in math.

Visit this link to read more about effective math revision strategies.

In the next section, we will delve into the importance of proper rest and time management during math revision.

Organize Notes and Create a Revision Schedule

When it comes to revising for math exams, it’s important to have a structured plan in place to ensure effective and efficient studying. Organizing your notes and creating a revision schedule can help you stay organized, focus on specific topics, and track your progress. In this section, we will discuss two important aspects of revision: making a topic list and planning specific revision times.

Making a Topic List

Before diving into your revision, it’s helpful to create a comprehensive list of all the topics you need to cover. This will give you a clear overview of what you need to study and help you prioritize your time. Start by going through your textbooks, lecture notes, and any supplementary materials to identify the key concepts and formulas that are likely to be tested. Break down the topics into manageable chunks and make a note of any areas that you find particularly challenging.

Creating a topic list not only helps you stay organized but also allows you to see the bigger picture. By visualizing all the topics you need to cover, you can identify any knowledge gaps and allocate more time to areas that require extra attention. Additionally, having a topic list can serve as a motivational tool as you can check off topics as you revise them, giving you a sense of accomplishment and progress.

Planning Specific Revision Times

Once you have your topic list ready, it’s time to plan specific revision times. It’s important to establish a regular study routine and allocate dedicated time slots for each topic. This will help you develop a consistent study habit and ensure that you cover all the necessary material before the exam.

Consider your own learning style and preferences when planning your revision schedule. Some people prefer studying in shorter, focused bursts, while others may prefer longer study sessions. Experiment with different study techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique (25 minutes of focused study followed by a 5-minute break) or longer study blocks with scheduled breaks in between.

When planning your revision times, be realistic with your expectations and take into account other commitments and responsibilities. It’s important to strike a balance between studying and taking breaks to avoid burnout. Remember to schedule regular breaks to rest and recharge your mind.

Rewarding yourself after a productive study session can also be a motivating factor. Treat yourself to something you enjoy, such as a favourite snack or a short break to engage in a hobby. This will not only give you something to look forward to but also reinforce positive study habits.

Creating a revision schedule not only helps you stay organized but also provides a sense of structure and control over your study sessions. By breaking down your revision into manageable chunks and planning specific times for each topic, you can ensure that you cover all the necessary material and feel confident and prepared for your math exams.

For more study tips and techniques, check out this resource which provides valuable insights and strategies for effective math revision.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I effectively revise for math exams?

To effectively revise for math exams, you can follow these strategies:

  • Plan ahead and schedule your revision sessions.
  • Use effective scientific study methods like active recall and spaced repetition.
  • Practice with past year papers to test your knowledge and understand the exam format.
  • Review past papers under timed conditions to familiarize yourself with exam settings.
  • Review past papers by chapter to identify weaker areas and focus on them.
  • Familiarize yourself with the formula sheet and make notes on it.
  • Learn how to use your calculator’s advanced features.
  • Understand the derivation of certain formulas.
  • Review your mistakes, understand them, and correct them.
  • Aim for mastery and build a strong foundation in math.
  • Focus on weaker topics and practice them more often.
  • Get ample rest to improve information storage and attention span.
  • Know when to seek help from teachers or friends.
  • Work through questions with friends to enhance learning.

How should I prepare before starting my revision?

Before starting your revision, it is recommended to:

  • Organize your notes and make a list of topics to cover.
  • Plan specific times for revision and take breaks in between.
  • Reward yourself with treats after a good day of revision.
  • Instead of just reading the textbook, actively do math problems.
  • Utilize the internet for resources and practice.
  • Practice topics that you struggle with, not just the ones you are good at.
  • Ask for help when needed, whether from classmates, teachers, or online forums.
  • Practice doing questions under exam conditions to get used to the format and pace.
  • Practice using your calculator for different types of questions.
  • Consider revising with a friend to learn from each other.
  • Try not to worry too much and create a revision schedule.

How can I effectively manage my time during the exam?

To effectively manage your time during the exam, you can:

  • Read the instructions on the exam paper carefully.
  • Divide your time based on the number of marks available for each question.
  • If you get stuck on a question, move on and come back to it later.
  • Pay attention to the wording of math questions to avoid misinterpretation.
  • Show your working and check your answers at the end.
  • Use algebra to check if your answers make sense.

What should I do after the exam?

After the exam, it is important to:

  • Don’t worry too much about what others are saying after the exam.
  • Remember that studying math teaches problem-solving skills that can be applied to real-life situations.
  • Identify the topics you find difficult and spend more time revising them.
  • Group past paper/textbook questions by topic and practice them in blocks.
  • Create flashcards or posters with key formulas and equations to memorize them.
  • Time yourself when doing past papers to ensure you can finish within the allotted time.
  • Explain concepts to others and work through questions with friends to gain different perspectives and improve understanding.